Picture of 2 girl students repairing robot

Last night at the monthly Edgewood ISD Board of Trustees meeting, the Intermediate and Middle School Robotics teams, along with their sponsors, Mrs. Monica Price and Mrs. Diana Smith, exhibited their robots.

Middle School GT President, A Burke, explained to the Board that these students spent camp time over the summer learning how to build their robots so that they could compete this year. She went on to say that they have competed in 2 competitions thus far this year continually increasing their knowledge, skills, and points.

GT student, H Tull, explained how the competitions work including etiquette, rules, points, etc.

Edgewood began looking into robotics around 3 years ago and this has been the first year of competitive Vex Robotics for this group of students.

Burke concluded by expressing what an awesome opportunity having a robotics team was for her and her fellow students. Robotics has taught them the responsibility of working with a team, learning each others strengths, learning to listen to each other, and understanding each member has an important role to make everything work together.

After the presentation, Edgewood ISD Board of Trustees Vice President, Mr. Dean Stoltzfus, thanked the students for the presentation and touched on how amazing it was to see this demonstration in action. He let the students know how proud the Board was of them for representing Edgewood the way that they do.