🎭🎭 Edgewood High School's Doghouse Theatre hosted the first ever Bulldogs Got Talent talent show on Monday, January 27. 🎭🎭
The talent show was open to all students in 3rd-12th grade. It was heartwarming to watch students of different ages interacting and encouraging one another. 🥰
Mrs. Bledsoe, Theatre Director, would like to give a huge thanks to:
💜 All the families and educators who came out in full force to support the participants.
💜 Mrs. Renee Jones and her student, M Reyes, for helping with marketing, voting, pictures, awards, and programs.
💜 Mrs. Seale and her students for preparing hot cocoa and cookies.
💜 All the Doghouse Theatre students who helped.
💜 Mr. Vann, Edgewood High School Dean of Students, for helping wherever he was needed.
The winners of the first ever BULLDOGS GOT TALENT are.... 🥁🥁
🥉 3rd place- I Stephens (9th grade)
🥈 2nd place- A Turner (7th grade)
🥇1st place- E Maldonado (5th grade)🏆🏆