On Saturday, February 8, several members of the Edgewood High School Sound of Pride competed in the Region 3 Solo and Ensemble Contest at Canton High School.
Mr. Tony Dorsey, Edgewood HIgh School Band Director expressed how well all of the students that competed today performed and proudly announced that THREE Edgewood HIgh School students are headed to STATE.
Check out the AMAZING results!!
2nd Division
Flute Trio - T Andrews, K Kirkpatrick, A Poynter
Flute Solo - Z Pippin
Clarinet Solo - J Johnson
1st Division
Snare Solo - C Cosper
Snare Solo - S McLaughlin
Trumpet Solo - S Green
Tuba Solo - A Valentine
1st Division & State Qualifier
Contra-alto Solo - A Falk
Flute Solo - T Andrews
Multi-Percussion - T Nelson
Some of the students got away today without pictures so look for more pictures on Tuesday when we return to school.
Congratulations to ALL of these AMAZING students. We are #EdgewoodProud!!
#ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog #EdgewoodByChoice #EHSSoundOfPride #StateBound