Several members of the Edgewood High School Sound of Pride competed today in the Region 3 Solo and Ensemble Contest at Canton High School. Mr. Tony Dorsey, Edgewood HIgh School Band Director expressed how well all of the students that competed today performed and proudly announced that THREE Edgewood HIgh School students are headed to STATE. Check out the AMAZING results!! 2nd Division Flute Trio - T Andrews, K Kirkpatrick, A Poynter Flute Solo - Z Pippin Clarinet Solo - J Johnson 1st Division Snare Solo - C Cosper Snare Solo - S McLaughlin Trumpet Solo - S Green Tuba Solo - A Valentine 1st Division & State Qualifier Contra-alto Solo - A Falk Flute Solo - T Andrews Multi-Percussion - T Nelson Some of the students got away today without pictures so look for more pictures on Tuesday when we return to school. Congratulations to ALL of these AMAZING students. We are #EdgewoodProud!! #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog #EdgewoodByChoice #EHSSoundOfPride #StateBound
20 days ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
🏀💜🏀 IT'S PLAYOFF TIME!!! 🏀💜🏀 🏀 Girls Basketball Bi-District Playoff Game 🏀 vs Tatum 🏀 Monday, February 10th 🏀 @ Winona High School 🏀 6:00 PM 🏀 Home Team 🏀Ticket Prices: $6.00 / $4.00 Let's show up and get loud!! 📢📢 #BasketballPlayoffs #GoDogs #letsgo
23 days ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Girls Basketball Bi-District Playoff Game  vs Tatum  Monday, February 10th  @ Winona High School   6:00 PM  Home Team Ticket Prices: $6.00 / $4.00
Please help us spread the word. 📢 🚨🚨The first meeting opportunity is 𝙏𝙊𝙉𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏!!!!! 🚨🚨 This planning session is informative and will help parents prepare their students for success in high school for the 25-26 school year. Parents of students currently in 8th - 11th grade are invited to attend.
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
EDGEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL  Academic Planning 2025-2026 When:  Wednesday, January 29th 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM OR                   Thursday, February 6th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM  Where:  High School Commons  Who:  Incoming 9th - 12th graders (current 8th-11th)            Parents & Students Topics include: Graduation Requirements Career and Technical Education Certifications Pathways and Completion High School Testing Requirements and Opportunities Senior Information and Senior Practicum Requirements For more information or questions, contact the High School Academic Counselor, Mrs. Meggie Erwin, at  Additionally, please contact Mrs. Erwin If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to receive the information presented at the meeting and/or would like to set up an appointment to discuss this information.
❤️❤️ Make sure students get a signed permission slip for this event. Sounds like a fun evening!! ❤️❤️
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Edgewood MIddle School Sweetheart Dance February 22nd 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Edgewood High School Commons Entrance $5.00 Snacks and Drinks $2.00 Photo Booth $1.00 To enter the dance students will need to bring exact change and a signed permission slip.
🚨🚨DO YOU HAVE YOUR SENIOR AD YET FOR YOUR CLASS OF 2025 GRADUATE?🚨🚨 🎓🎓 If not, prices increased on January 20th AND there are very few spots left so ACT TODAY!! 🎓🎓 📬Contact
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Due February 3rd EHS Yearbook Senior Ads 2025 On sale now at or pick up an order form at EHS in room 209 full page $350 1/2 page $200 1/4 page $120 only a few spots left
📆📆 Monday, January 20, 2025, the Edgewood ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2025-2026 calendar as it was presented! 📆📆
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
25-26 approved school calendar
Superintendent Prater announces retirement.
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
January 21, 2025 Dear Edgewood ISD Family, It is with mixed emotions that I share with you my decision to retire as Superintendent of Schools for Edgewood ISD, effective June 30, 2025. After much thought and reflection, I believe the time has come for me to step away from my professional role and embrace the next chapter of my life. Serving this community as Superintendent has been one of the greatest honors of my career. Over the years, I have witnessed the incredible dedication of our students, teachers, staff, parents, and the entire community. Together, we have worked hard to ensure that every student has access to the highest quality education possible, and I am immensely proud of all that we have achieved. Looking back on my tenure, I am filled with gratitude for the partnerships we have formed, the challenges we have overcome, and the many successes we have celebrated. The commitment to excellence in education that defines this district is a testament to the passion and hard work of everyone involved. I have been truly fortunate to work with so many talented and dedicated individuals who are passionate about the future of our students. As I retire, I remain deeply committed to ensuring a smooth and successful transition for the district. I will continue to support the Board of Education and the leadership team in the coming months to ensure that the work we have started together continues to flourish. While I will certainly miss the daily interactions with so many of you, I am excited about what the future holds for me and for the district. I look forward to watching Edgewood ISD continue to grow and succeed, and I have no doubt that the best is yet to come. Thank you for your trust, support, and the privilege of allowing me to serve this exceptional community. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Edgewood family, and I will always carry the memories of our work together with me. With deep appreciation, Kristin Prater Kristin Prater Superintendent of Schools  Edgewood ISD
Looking for some Bulldog Softball gear? 💜🥎💛🥎🤍 The store is now open: Make sure you get your order in before January 30th!!
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Don't forget that February 1 is the deadline to be able to order cap and gown and have them here in time for GRADUATION!!
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Final Deadline for cap and gown orders is Februar 1, 2025.
Have you signed up yet to show off your talent? 👩‍🎤 If not, YOU ARE IN LUCK! 🍀 Signups have been extended to January 17. Please get signed up as soon as possible so that this event will be AMAZING!! 🤩 Contact with any questions! 📬
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Bulldogs Got Talent Show on January 27 at 6:30 PM . Students in 3rd through 12th can participate.  Doors open at 6:00 PM Edgewood High School Commons $2 for students and $5 for adults.
Reminder that there is no school for students on Monday, January 20. The day is Staff Development.
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Reminder that there is no school for students on Monday, January 20.  The day is Staff Development.
Winona does not have a Girls Basketball team so we are adjusting some of the RECOGNITION NIGHTS for Basketball... Please mark your calendars! ✔️🏀✔️
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Boys and Girls High School Basketball Recognition Night Changes:  January 17 is Middle School Boys Recognition Night and Girls Teacher Appreciation Night.  January 28 is Boys Teacher Appreciation Night,  February 4 is Middle School Girls Recognition Night and Girls Senior Night and February 7 is Boys Senior Night
🚨🚨ATTENTION PARENTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS🚨🚨 The Edgewood ISD Counseling Team and Police Department will be presenting the annual "Play It Safe" curriculum to Middle School and High School students during February 3rd - 12th. 🚨🚨FOR STUDENTS TO ATTEND THE PRESENTATION, PARENTS MUST OPT IN.🚨🚨 Please return the letter OR fill out the Google Form at the following link: 📬 If you have any questions, please contact the Edgewood ISD Counseling Team: 🟣 🟣 🟣
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Dear Parent/Guardian: Senate Bill 9 passed by the Texas Education Agency requires public schools to provide instruction regarding the prevention of dating violence, child abuse, and family violence to help prevent human trafficking for students in grades 6-12. This bill went into effect with the 22-23 school year. Edgewood ISD’s School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) has approved the “Play It Safe” curriculum to meet the Senate Bill 9 requirement. SHAC is a group appointed by the school district to serve at the district level. The majority of SHAC members must be parents who are not employed by the district. SHAC is tasked with ensuring that local community values and health issues are reflected in the district’s health education instruction, along with providing assistance with other student and employee wellness issues. The “Play It Safe” curriculum ● Was developed by the Tarrant County Women’s Center ● Lasts approximately 45 minutes ● Covers topics including body safety, online safety, and bullying ● Is designed to teach children how to recognize, react, and report dangerous situations and abuse ● Is age appropriate ● Helps students recognize abusive behavior ● Provides children with tools they can use to be safe if ever in an unsafe situation. Parents and guardians have a right to review the material used, purchase the material, or remove their student from any part of the district's instruction as well as the use of the grievance procedure concerning complaints of violation TEC §28.004. The program will be presented by the Edgewood ISD Counseling Team & Police Department. If you have any questions, you may refer to the website and/or the link is available on the school website under the counseling tab. Students in Middle School & High School will attend one presentation February 3rd-12th. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns please contact the Edgewood ISD Counseling Team: ● Mrs. Jennings: Mental Health Counselor- 903-896-4332 ext. 8090 ● Mrs. Broechin: K-12 Guidance Counselor-903-896-4332 ext. 1771 ● Mrs. Erwin: Academic Counselor- 903-896-4332 ext. 8058 _____ I DO give permission for my child to participate in the “Play It Safe” presentation _____ I DO NOT give permission for my child to participate in the “Play It Safe” presentation Student’s Name:______________________________________Grade:_______ Parent Signature:__________________________________________________ High School’s Program on Dating Violence is a scripted program and movie titled “Abusive Relationships: Seeing the Signs.” The goal of the program is to help students recognize, react to, and report dangerous situations. The movie description: The protagonist looks back at the behaviors, signs, events, and emotions that led up to the current state of her relationship with her boyfriend. In retrospect, she is able to identify the unhealthy behaviors and seeks help to make changes. Middle School’s Program on Dating Violence: The movie description: Addresses healthy and unhealthy aspects of a relationship, including mutual respect, boundaries, jealousy, control, and communication skills. It’s told through the voices of students, both boys and girls, discussing appropriate behaviors verses inappropriate behaviors in relationships
Good morning, Bulldog Nation! 🐾🐾 It's hard to believe we are already planning for the 2025-2026 school year, but it is time! 🕐 Mrs. Erwin, High School Academic Counselor, will be hosting two opportunities for parents and students to attend academic planning sessions to gather information and ask any questions that you might have in regards to next year. 💜 So, please mark your calendars and don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to prepare for your student's success! ✔️ Please contact Mrs. Erwin at for any questions.
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Edgewood High School Academic Planning for the 2025-2026 School Year When: Wednesday, January 29th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm  Thursday, February 6th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm Where:  High School Commons/Cafeteria Who:  Incoming 9th-12th graders (Current 8th-11th) Parents and Students  What will be discussed: Graduation Requirements Career Technical Education, Certifications, Pathways and Completion  Dual Credit/ Honors/AP Courses High School Testing Requirements and Opportunities Senior Information and Senior Practicum Prerequisites  For more information or questions, contact Meggie Erwin at If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to be sent the information presented at the meeting and/or would like to set up another time to discuss this information, please email Mrs. Erwin as well.
Shouting 🏆 CONGRATULATIONS 🏆 to Edgewood Middle School's JANUARY Students of the Month!! K Paul & L Mays👏 Check out teacher comments about each of these amazing students. ✅ 🎉K Paul is a great office aid. He is involved in many activities and always willing to help wherever he is needed.💜 🎉 L Mays is always helping others whether it's passing out dictionaries or plugging in computers. She just an an all around great kid!💜 #EMSStudentsoftheMonth #RESPECT #RESPONSIBILITY #INTEGRITY #GROWTH #SERVICE
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Picture of K Paul and L Mays
MARK THOSE CALENDARS! 💃🩷🕺📆💃🩷🕺 👀 Be on the LOOKOUT for more information soon. 👀 📫 For questions, please contact
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Daddy and Daughter Dance sponsored by Edgewood High School's Freshman Class Theme is Disco Cowgirl.  Edgewood students grades PreK through 5th.  March 8 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Edgewood High School Commons, Ticket prices are $5 before the event and $8 at the door per person.  Email for questions
Don't forget that the Annual Valentine's Day Carnation Fundraiser is in full swing!
about 1 month ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Carnation Fundraiser Post:  Monday January 13 through Thursday February 6 $1.00 per carnation, carnations delivered on February 14, more information coming home with students, for questions, contact
🚨🚨ATTENTION PARENTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS🚨🚨 The Edgewood ISD Counseling Team and Police Department will be presenting the annual "Play It Safe" curriculum to Middle School and High School students during February 3rd - 12th. 🚨🚨FOR STUDENTS TO ATTEND THE PRESENTATION, PARENTS MUST OPT IN.🚨🚨 Please return the letter OR fill out the Google Form at the following link: 📬 If you have any questions, please contact the Edgewood ISD Counseling Team: 🟣 🟣 🟣
about 2 months ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
Letter regarding the Play It Safe Program.  Please contact the campus office to receive the letter.
Dear Edgewood ISD Community, Due to the possibility of icy conditions on Friday, January 10, 2025, Edgewood ISD will be closed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The safety of our students, staff, and community is our top priority. Given the uncertainty of weather conditions and without a crystal ball, we must make decisions in the best interest of everyone's safety, including our bus drivers, student drivers, and staff members who travel from outside the district. Classes will resume as usual on Monday, January 13, 2025. Decisions for extracurricular activities for Friday and Saturday will be communicated by coaches and sponsors through Rank One and social media. Thank you for your understanding Kristin Prater EISD Superintendent
about 2 months ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
School Closure January 10
Dear Edgewood ISD Community, We want to inform you that Edgewood ISD has been closely monitoring the potential for inclement weather in our area. Due to the National Weather Service issuing a Winter Weather Warning for our region, we have made the decision to close school on Thursday, January 9, 2025. We understand that school closures can significantly impact our families, and we appreciate your understanding as we prioritize the safety of our students, staff, and families, especially those who may be traveling in potentially icy conditions. A decision regarding school operations for Friday, January 10, 2025, will be made on Thursday, once we have more information about the severity of weather conditions. Additionally, all extracurricular activities scheduled for Thursday after school are canceled. We will provide updates regarding Friday’s activities at a later date and will utilize Rank One and social media for those updates. Thank you for your cooperation, and please stay safe. Sincerely, Kristin Prater EISD Superintendent
about 2 months ago, Edgewood ISD Communications Department
School Closure - January 9, 2025