Kovar signing
One Act Play Cast & Crew
Boys All-District Basketball Defensive Player of the Year T Smith Offensive Player of the Year J Johnson
Girls Basketball All-District Honors Newcomer of the Year C Smith
Tolar brings home 3 STAR AWARDS at 2025 TSPRA Conference
State Bound UIL Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest
students at fashion show
Trlica hits milestone of 1000 career points as an Edgewood Bulldog
Picture of the Bachtel family
State Bound Texas FFA Tractor Tech CDE
Kimbrough at Region 7
East Texas Academic Rodeo AG ID Competition
Winners of Talent Show
HS Academic Rodeo Team
picture of mock trial team
Picture of Stop the Bleed volunteers
Edgewood Middle School's A Ryan All Region Band
T Smith reaches 1000 points as an Edgewood Bulldog
Fort Worth Stock Show Ag Mechanics E Wilcoxson 2nd in class and I Shelby 3rd in Class
Vex Robotics State Bound